每次插桩(Stubbing)都会产生一个 Invocation,本篇从 Invocation 着手,重点分析插桩的原理。

Invocation 之间的关系如下所示:

+----------+              +----------+
| StubInfo |--stubbedAt-->| Location |
+----------+              +----------+
+--------------+                            +---------------------+
| StubInfoImpl |-----has a----------------->| DescribedInvocation |
+--------------+                            +---------------------+

| DescribedInvocation |
     /|\         /|\  \ 
      |           |     \        +------------------+
      |           |       \      | InvocationOnMock | 
      |           |         \    +------------------+
      |           |           \       / 
      |           |           extends
      |        extends           \ /
      |           |        +------------+
 implements       |        | Invocation |
      |           |        +------------+
      |           |                  /|\
      |     +---------------------+   |
      |     | MatchableInvocation |   |
      |     +---------------------+   |
      |             /|\               |
      |              |                |
      |         implements           has
      |              |                |
      |              |                |
   +-------------------+              |
   | InvocationMatcher |--------------+
              |                         +-----------------+
              +------ has list of ----->| ArgumentMatcher |

MatchableInvocationInvocation 的区别如下:

mock.foo();   // <- invocation
verify(mock).bar();  // <- matchable invocation


Invocation 通过 MockHandler 进行处理:

public interface MockHandler extends Serializable {
    Object handle(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable;

Mockito 提供的的 MockHandler 实现了如下功能:

  1. 记录 Mock 对象上的方法调用以进行后续验证
  2. 当 Mock 对象被插桩之后捕获 stubbing 信息
  3. 返回 invocation 的插桩值

Invocation 表示在 Mock 方法上的一次调用,它包含两部分信息 DescribedInvocation & InvocationOnMock。

A method call on a mock object. Contains all information and state needed for the Mockito framework to operate.


DescribedInvocation 只是用于描述 Invocation

public interface DescribedInvocation {
    String toString();
    Location getLocation();

其中 Location 用于描述 Invocation 的位置:

public interface Location {
    String toString();


InvocationOnMock 用于表示 InvocationMock 之间的数据联系。

public interface InvocationOnMock extends Serializable {
    Object getMock();
    Method getMethod();
    Object[] getArguments();
    <T> T getArgument(int index);
    Object callRealMethod() throws Throwable;


Invocation 除此之外,还包含其他功能:

public interface Invocation extends InvocationOnMock, DescribedInvocation {
    boolean isVerified();
    int getSequenceNumber();
    Location getLocation();
    Object[] getRawArguments();
    Class<?> getRawReturnType();
    void markVerified();
    StubInfo stubInfo();
    void markStubbed(StubInfo stubInfo);
    boolean isIgnoredForVerification();
    void ignoreForVerification();

StubInfo 用于描述 stubbing:

public interface StubInfo {
    Location stubbedAt();


MatchableInvocation 包含 Invocation 实例和 ArgumentMatcher 列表。它用于验证的过程(verification process)。

public interface MatchableInvocation extends DescribedInvocation {
    Invocation getInvocation();
    List<ArgumentMatcher> getMatchers();
    boolean matches(Invocation candidate);
    boolean hasSimilarMethod(Invocation candidate);
    boolean hasSameMethod(Invocation candidate);
    void captureArgumentsFrom(Invocation invocation);

InvocationContainer 关系图

        +---------------------+                           +------------+
        | InvocationContainer |--- clear / get list of--->| Invocation |
        +---------------------+                           +------------+

Stubbing 关系图

      | OngoingStubbing |
      |   BaseStubbing  |<-----------------+
      +-----------------+                  | 
              /|\                          |
               |                           |
            extends                     extends 
               |                           |
               |                           |
   +----------------------+    +---------------------+
   | ConsecutiveStubbing  |    | OngoingStubbingImpl |
   +----------------------+    +---------------------+


Stubbing 表示一次插桩,它的形式是 when(x).then(y),用于指定 mock 的行为。

Stubbing 的示例代码


可以通过如下代码获取 mock 对象的所有 stubbing:


Stubbing 的接口规范如下:

public interface Stubbing {
    Invocation getInvocation();
    boolean wasUsed();
  • getInvocation() 返回被插桩的方法调用,例如,mock.foo() 就是一个 Invocation
  • wasUsed() 用于表示 stubbing 是否被使用,如果 mock.foo() 没有被调用,那么 wasUsed() 返回 false,说明存在未被使用的 stubbing,为了保持 clarity of tests,最好删除未被使用的 stubbing 代码。


Stubber 是一个插装器。

当我们用 doThrow()|doAnswer()|doNothing()|doReturn() 的形式进行插桩时,可以通过 Stubber 来选择 mock 对象的方法:


doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mockedList).clear();


doThrow(new RuntimeException("one")).doThrow(new RuntimeException("two")).when(mock).someVoidMethod();

Stubber 接口定义如下:

public interface Stubber {
    <T> T when(T mock);
    Stubber doThrow(Throwable... toBeThrown);
    Stubber doThrow(Class<? extends Throwable> toBeThrown);
    Stubber doThrow(Class<? extends Throwable> toBeThrown, Class<? extends Throwable>... nextToBeThrown);
    Stubber doAnswer(Answer answer);
    Stubber doNothing();
    Stubber doReturn(Object toBeReturned);
    Stubber doReturn(Object toBeReturned, Object... nextToBeReturned);
    Stubber doCallRealMethod();

可以看出,doXXX 方法的返回值是一个 Stubberwhen 方法对 mock 对象进行处理之后再返回这个对象。


public interface OngoingStubbing<T> {
    OngoingStubbing<T> thenReturn(T value);
    OngoingStubbing<T> thenReturn(T value, T... values);
    OngoingStubbing<T> thenThrow(Throwable... throwables);
    OngoingStubbing<T> thenThrow(Class<? extends Throwable> throwableType);
    OngoingStubbing<T> thenThrow(Class<? extends Throwable> toBeThrown, Class<? extends Throwable>... nextToBeThrown);
    OngoingStubbing<T> thenCallRealMethod();
    OngoingStubbing<T> thenAnswer(Answer<?> answer);
    OngoingStubbing<T> then(Answer<?> answer);
    <M> M getMock();

调用 Mockito#when 返回一个 OngoingStubbing,通过 OngoingStubbing#thenXxx 可以改变 mock 对象的行为,从而产生一个 stubbing。




不管是 Stubber 还是 OngoingStubbing,除了标准返回之外,都提供了自定义返回值的方法:

  • Stubber doAnswer(Answer answer);
  • OngoingStubbing<T> then(Answer<?> answer);

Answer 的接口定义如下:

public interface Answer<T> {
    T answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable;

如下代码利用 Answer 改变了 mock 方法的行为:

    new Answer() {
        public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
            Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
            Object mock = invocation.getMock();
            return "called with arguments: " + Arrays.toString(args);

那么 mock.someMethod("foo") 的返回值就变成了 called with arguments: [foo]

Answer 不接受参数,只有返回值,Mockito 还提供了其他 5 个 Answer,分别接受不同个数的参数,然后返回一个值。

  • Answer1
  • Answer2
  • Answer3
  • Answer4
  • Answer5

只接受参数,没有返回值的 Answer 包括:

  • VoidAnswer1
  • VoidAnswer2
  • VoidAnswer3
  • VoidAnswer4
  • VoidAnswer5

ValidableAnswer 用到再分析

